AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Create and Edit Comments from a Workflow

This topic describes how to add comments to an active review task from a workflow.

Comments may also be added directly from a document. For more information, see To Add Comments to a Document.

Follow these steps to add and edit comments from a workflow.

  1. Open the workflow for which you want to create comments, by doing one of the following:

    From a task notification email, click the link to the task or document.

    Note: Task notification emails are created as a result of any of the following actions:
    • A previous task was created
    • An active task was assigned or reassigned to you
    • A workflow was reworked and assigned back to you.


    Search for the workflow. For more information, see Search.


    Selecting the workflow from your Basket.


    Select the workflow from Work Exchange. For more information, see To View the Workflow From a Task.

  2. Select the Tasks tab, and then select a review task from the list.
  3. Accept the task by doing one of the following:

    From the Tasks menu, select Accept.


    From the workflow footer, click Accept.

    Tip: Before accepting the task, click View Instructions in the workflow footer to view the instructions for the task.
  4. Select the Comments tab. This tab lists all of the comments for the workflow.
  5. Select each document for which you want to create comments.
    Tip: You can select all documents at once by selecting the box in the table header. For example,
  6. From the Actions menu, select Create comment.
    The Create Comment dialog appears. For example,
  7. Select a Decision from the list, such as "Rejected", "Approved", or "Approved with Comments".
    Note: The options in the list may vary, depending on how your ALIM System Administrator has configured your system.
    Note: This field is required.
  8. Enter a Subject for the comment.
    Note: Because you can create multiple comments each document, this field is useful for identifying the context of the comment, for example "Section 5, Page 10".
    Note: This field is required.
  9. Enter a Summary in the box.
    Note: This field is required.
  10. When you are finished, click Save. The Comments column is updated with the appropriate comment decision status icon and a number representing the count of comments with that status. For example,
    Tip: For more information, see Comment Decision Status.
  11. To edit an existing comment,
    1. Expand the document row within the Comments grid by clicking . The icon changes to , and the document row expands the Current Reviewer's Comments section to reveal the individual comments. For example,
    2. Select the comment that you want to edit.
    3. From the Current Reviewer's Comments Actions menu, select Edit Comment.
      The Edit Comment dialog appears, and allows you to update the Decision, Subject, and/or the Summary.
    4. When you are finished, click Save ( ).
    Tip: You can also edit a comment line by expanding the comment's row. After entering a new value, the changes are automatically saved when you navigate off the field.
    Note: You may only edit comments that you have created.
  12. When you are finished, do one of the following:

    From the Tasks menu, select Complete


    From the workflow footer, click Complete.

  13. You can add files to the comment to support the rationale for the comment. For more information about adding files, see Comment File Attachments.
  14. When you are finished, click Complete.
The comment is saved to the task.